So you know how it is - when you come back home for Holidays, you always get to explore and share in some 'mum and daughter' chats what cosmetics are good and what is worth trying. My mum is not the biggest fan of makeup and skincare, as generally she has very nice skin and just tends to avoid heavy makeup. But anyway, it is never that a woman is completely indifferent to beauty products (at least i don't know any who are..) and if she is, I think she should change an attitude, cause it kind of women's magic tool that can only make already beautiful stunning.. I don't know who, but someone said : 'There are no ugly women, just lazy ones'
But it is getting too long for an intro. I am going to talk about the Israel cosmetics, which I assume are sold all over the world, however I am not too sure whether you can purchase it from a local drugstore or have to go online.

Dynamic Cream 49€ Eye contour cream 57€ Night cream 43€ (I know..)
OH MY God, ladies and gentlemen this stuff is totally amazing! I was always very critical about it, cause my mum is quite obsessed and it is quite of an expensive treat, however now when I've tried it and read the ingredients and researched a little bit about the woman herself I softened up a little bit, and after two nights of using this product I am really happy with the results.
Major thing that really attracts me is that they use all the nutritional combination of the herbs from all over the world and also Dead Sea Salt, which is amazing. Secondly (i know that personal stories are used for the better marketing), the woman herself is quite impressing and is of a role model - she overcame cancer and her medical practices are aimed to help people fight life threatening diseases.
1. Dynamic Cream - as long as I can remember myself, my mum used this thing as a magical healing stuff: you have running nose - put it inside, you have a spot put a bit on, your skin is dry - use it as well. It is of a very rich nature cream, that does not have a particularly pleasant smell (more of something that is supposed to heal you) and it is very multi-purpose as you already know. It can be used as an amazing moisturizer - when I have applied it on my face in the morning you have a bit stretchy feeling (as if you put a mask) and like it really makes your skin work.
2. Eye contour Balm - it is probably the best out of all of them. I can't say that I have some serious dark circles or wrinkles, but occasionally when I am tired my eyes will immediately inform everyone around.. That is actually how I got to try out these cremes as when I came back from England, my mum said that I do look tired and I have some circles. So I used it once, and then more, and I think that she will have to share with this expensive stuff now :D I like that it is very rich and at the same time it does not irritate my quite sensitive skin. The packaging is stunning and it has very convenient pump like that

3. Finally, Night cream - it is good if you have a little bit dry skin or some dry patches. I have normal skin, with some areas particularly dry, and i still used it all over my face. It is important though that you cleanse your face properly before applying it, well actually this works with any night cream. I noticed that in the morning skin does not feel still greasy (as some of those that I've tried), bit just leaves it soft.
There are many more products this company offers, but these three are personal winners! If interested go to - it US website, but if you Google it you can enter your country one.
I will be talking quite a lot here about skin care based on the Dead Sea Salt, as I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!
Have you ever been to Dead Sea or tried some of the cosmetics that are produced with the ingredients from the Dead Sea?