Hello everybody!
I decided to share some of my thoughts on what I have recently read, watched or listened to.
I will start with books.
Well, since I moved to London I noticed that this city just makes you read mostly because people spend ages while commuting. I for example have to travel for 50 minutes to work and with book time goes by much faster.
This summer I have red Dance, Dance Dance which is the last additional book to Murakami's 'Trilogy of the Rat'. I am totally in love with him and this last book as all the previous ones of his had impressed me a lot. I love this weird feeling I get when I read his books - some sort of jealousy towards his characters. You unwittingly desire to become one of them to experience all the mysticism and craziness. Also I love the fact that his books introduce the reader to the culture of Japan - between the lines of the main you find random facts about the life of Japan. For example existence of 'love hotels' (one them was actually portrayed in the newest Wolverine), personal registered seal which enable a Japanese to sign document and 'Chazuke' - Japanese remedy for hangover. In his books he mentions a lot of music and the band that repeats the most in Dance Dance Dance is Beach Boys.
I decided to have a little break from Murakami (I do have 1Q84 waiting for me on the shelf) and read something else. Peter came for help. He is loving reddit and in one of the discussions 'what is the best book you've ever read?' he found me 2 books. I have managed to read one of them - it is 'The Road' by Cormac McCarthy.
Well, I have to admit I have never read anything similar to this - it is a very unique style of writing and quite a deep and sad story. This book is not the one which will leave you with a light and optimistic feeling, but if you are willing to empathise and even cry a bit - then this apocalyptic genre is for you. Descriptive manner, repeating dialogues are not very exciting, but still there is something in it that makes you keep reading - not understanding what is happening and at the same time interest. This novel was awarded with Pulitzer Prize for Fiction. This story makes you put yourself on the place of the characters and think what would you do? Would you give up or continue fighting? There is no thinking of past or future, it is just the road. The ending of the book is very touching - and I made conclusion that no matter whar happens it is our task to carry the fire, hope for the best and have the strength to live. There is also a film ('The Road') which I recommend watching if you don't want to read a book.
Moving on to the movies and TV-Shows - it has been a lot of them but I will just mention the ones I really love.
All time favourite TV Show - Suits.
Very pleasant, unobtrusive series. American law firm, there are even elements of romantic relationship, but it is to expand the audience. A guy with an amazing memory - not a lawyer who works in one the biggest law firms in NY. Beautiful men, beautiful women, beautiful life - well all you need to get pleasure. Something different, but yet good. I recommend watching.
I am also loving ANTM Cycle 20 - it is truly amazing - exciting news - there are boys in it! But really, it is really entertaining and I just Love Tyra Banks - I like the American series because it is always something more than just looks and modelling it is about relationship and personality. I think it is very cool and it is also on YouTube.
Recent movies that I watched were The Road (which you pretty much got the idea from the book review), Kick - Ass 2 (which was to awful that i don't even want to talk about it), We are The Millers and The Art of getting by.
Millers - is a very funny comedy I would say 18+ but is really entertaining - perfect to watch after a hard day at work, gets you out of your routine. Don't expect any deep feeling but a good comedy to watch.
The Art of getting by - I found it through Emma Roberts' filmography. As when I like the actress/or i usually check out all the movies with him/her and I found The Art of getting by, which is nothing special, but very cute and very much about life.I love these characters, which sometimes I feel like saying, "God, what are you doing?" They do not leave you indifferent. No one is perfect, and all make mistakes, everyone has their own opinion and their perception of the world. Plus, I love the school theme :D I do recommend.
Wish you a great weekend - watch, read, listen to what you love!
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Saturday, 31 August 2013
Monday, 12 August 2013
What to wear on a date?
Hello everyone!
Summer continues and it is the best time for walks, trips, nights out and of course some romances! I thought that issue 'what to wear on a date' is the one that automatically comes up. Now, I want to clarify that 'date' doesn't have to be the very first one, or the very important one, it could be any date, for example a date with your boyfriend, who you are together with for a long time.. In my situation I absolutely love defining with my boyfriend (as we are together for long time) 'the date'. Then, we both know that we have to make an effort.
Yes, by the way I am convinced that a date deserves an effort! Even if you are meeting your friend, who you haven't seen for a long time why not to dress up and feel a little bit more special?!
Also, I have very strong opinion about the girls' looks, as I think that we have so much more things to use, to be creative and experiment. Make up, heels, dresses, shorts, skirts and then different materials, textures and colours. Why not to use this variety of choice? This blog is aimed to share my little tips on how to get ready for a date.
1. Opposites attract
I am pretty sure that we are attracted to something that we are lacking. From this deep philosophical thought I will go straight to clothing. Dress up in a way that a guy wouldn't be able to (well at least the guy who you would like to date). If it is a romantic date, you might want to put away your formal suit, unisex clothes and big boots. I think it is better to choose something that is feminine, some soft and light materials, which emphasize on all the right places and hide the ones we don't want to be seen. For a casual get together you can express your personality with the funky and original style. It is always good to think rational - if you know that you are going for a picnic (as much as you'd like to) it is not the perfect occasion for a short dress and heels. But even in the casual wear there are such materials as chiffon, lace or silk which are considered to be feminine.
Here are some ASOS examples of quite casual tops with some details which will emphasize on the feminine side of yours, which can be easily worn with some shorts or even jeans:
Lace top
Lace top and skater
This is nice - but too sophisticated. Perfect for a job interview or a meeting with business client |
YES! |
2. Confidence and (and not so much) comfort
I am convinced that a date is the time to enjoy, so first of all you might want to feel confident and comfortable. However, you can define comfort with cozy flats or with your favourite tight dress and mid-heels which will make you feel comfortable with your look. So it is for you to decide. I usually tend go for not-so-much of a literal comfort , well – beauty demands sacrifice and it’s always your choice of how much you are willing to surrender to it.
Coming back to the main question – ‘So what do I wear for a date?’ I would say in this context stick to your trusted favourite things, which make you feel good and importantly ensure you with confidence that your dress won’t rip and the shoes won’t be hurting your feet. I agree that it is exciting to buy a new ‘outfit for a date’, however make sure you give it a little ‘trial’ before the day. You don’t want to feel uncomfortable because of new shoes, which rub or blister your feet.
3. Little things that will make you feel goodTalking of your self-esteem, there are always little things that can make you feel on top of the world. It can be anything really and it should not necessarily be visible to everybody. It can be your underwear (which you are not planning to expose) but it will make you feel good before the date while checking yourself out in the mirror; favourite perfumes; accessories or a lucky charm. Yes, we all have some little secrets and superstitions - and there is nothing wrong about it.
4. Details - don't forget about them!
Now I would like to expand a bit on ‘we have so much to use’ – I am talking about details. You can always make your look stand out by being creative with your accessories and paying attention to the detail. Moreover, some guys do have an eye for a detail. He will definitely notice your manicure when taking your hand. Colours play an important role in your perception of person. You might want to stay away from a red dress if you consider your date more of a ‘friendly one’ rather than a ‘third date’ (we all know what I am on about). So, spend some time considering such details as colours, matching styles of clothes, hair and makeup.
6. Positive attitude
Last but not least – it is not all about clothes. Yes, your look will definitely make an impression of your personality, but don’t try to be someone else - just be yourself (a little bit prettier that on a daily basis) . The person who you are going on a date with wants to see you, not the girl from a magazine who he doesn’t care about. The most important thing which has absolutely nothing to do with what you wear - is your mood. If you like yourself and you can shamelessly say 'oh girl, you are damn hot' to your reflection, then you reached the desired result. Love yourself and others will love you too.
Hopefully, there was something useful in this discussion and I wish everyone to have great time on their dates!
Wednesday, 15 May 2013
How To: Not get totally stressed out before exams or other academic deadline
Hello, everyone!
It's been a long time since my last writing as had some exciting time with my dissertation. Now, when it is finally over and everyone is in the middle of revision for the exams, I thought that it would be relevant to share some of my thoughts on how to 'keep calm and carry on' with all sort of studying.
First of all, I think it is absolutely normal to get nervous before the exams or deadline. I think that everyone will agree that it is not natural and very uncomfortable situation in which your skills, knowledge and ability to concentrate are checked in very special let's say environment. So, I guess it is impossible to not care about it at all, but there is definitely no point to panic!
So here are some rules I try to follow when I am facing exams or deadlines:
1. STUDY, Study, study!
Unfortunately there is no other way to get by and there is no magical pill we could take and absorb all the information needed. So, yes just accept it, you need to spend some hours sitting with your books, notes, slides and whatever else.
2. Evaluate your capabilities and difficulty of material.
It is actually quite helpful, because if you know that you are able to prepare a piece of work over night or revise everything in few days, there is no need to panic 2 weeks before and other way round. Also I always start with the easiest question to allow more time to the one I have difficulties with.
3. Organise your study space and yourself
You might want to study in the library or sit behind the desk, but not to lie in bed with a book. It gives you very relaxing feeling and I am not sure of how much you will be able to remember of such reading. Plus, it associates with some entertaining reading and attention is not concentrated on the important details.
Also if i decide to study at home I like to prepare myself as well. Rather than staying in pjs I prefer to dress up and even put make up on, then it makes me feel that I am actually 'doing work' and I would not go back to lie in bed
Your study area - well, don't let it look like the picture above. I follow the rule - clear table, clear notes, clear thoughts! A nice folder or organizer might be helpful to keep all the materials in a place.
4. Plan your day
I love to plan things and even if it is about revision I make a plan what I need to know by certain day. I am trying to follow this, so I can be calm that everything is going well. I also like to set up a regime - to wake up at certain time and create a study routine, which will allow me to feel that most days I DO study as well as monitor how much of my day is dedicated to it.
5. Communicate
I am not 100% sure of the effectiveness of this point and I will explain why. It is good to talk to your course mates, exchange with some useful sources and notes. BUT! I am personally not a big fan of revision together. First of all, everyone has his/her own way of doing things and own pace. Also I don't like asking what other people wrote about in their works as it will make me more worried in case if I forgot something or did everything totally unlike someone else. So yes, communicate in a way that is not harmful to yourself and concentrate on your own work. At the end of the day it is YOU who is sitting on the exam.
5. Treat yourself
It is very important! If you feel that you've done a good job and had a productive day, why not to treat yourself with something that you like - either go for a meal out with friends, or watch latest episode, eat some sweets, anything really. You can't study all the time!
6. Have breaks
Following the last sentence - it is true it is impossible to study all the time, otherwise you will completely hate what you are doing. Have reasonable beaks. For example this blog is my break :)
7. Don't forget to eat!
Very true for me. If I am hungry I am not productive, not in the mood, cannot concentrate! I don't know about you, but food is important! Also dark chocolate is apparently good for brain, but well... milk chocolate is good as well.
8. Find alternative sources of information
If you are tired of textbooks and really can't be bothered to do anything, but still understand that you need to learn something today - look for some other sources of informations. For example Youtube uploads some of the full lectures and I really like RSA: http://www.youtube.com/user/theRSAorg
Another useful source is Ted talks. Even newspapers can be useful, if the articles relate to your topic.
9. Keep positive attitude!
The last, but not least: motivate yourself with positive thoughts. Like : It will be over soon! Summer is coming! A little bit more and I will be proud of myself and so on.
Good luck with your exams everyone!
It's been a long time since my last writing as had some exciting time with my dissertation. Now, when it is finally over and everyone is in the middle of revision for the exams, I thought that it would be relevant to share some of my thoughts on how to 'keep calm and carry on' with all sort of studying.
First of all, I think it is absolutely normal to get nervous before the exams or deadline. I think that everyone will agree that it is not natural and very uncomfortable situation in which your skills, knowledge and ability to concentrate are checked in very special let's say environment. So, I guess it is impossible to not care about it at all, but there is definitely no point to panic!
So here are some rules I try to follow when I am facing exams or deadlines:
1. STUDY, Study, study!
Unfortunately there is no other way to get by and there is no magical pill we could take and absorb all the information needed. So, yes just accept it, you need to spend some hours sitting with your books, notes, slides and whatever else.
2. Evaluate your capabilities and difficulty of material.
It is actually quite helpful, because if you know that you are able to prepare a piece of work over night or revise everything in few days, there is no need to panic 2 weeks before and other way round. Also I always start with the easiest question to allow more time to the one I have difficulties with.
3. Organise your study space and yourself
You might want to study in the library or sit behind the desk, but not to lie in bed with a book. It gives you very relaxing feeling and I am not sure of how much you will be able to remember of such reading. Plus, it associates with some entertaining reading and attention is not concentrated on the important details.
Also if i decide to study at home I like to prepare myself as well. Rather than staying in pjs I prefer to dress up and even put make up on, then it makes me feel that I am actually 'doing work' and I would not go back to lie in bed
Your study area - well, don't let it look like the picture above. I follow the rule - clear table, clear notes, clear thoughts! A nice folder or organizer might be helpful to keep all the materials in a place.
4. Plan your day
I love to plan things and even if it is about revision I make a plan what I need to know by certain day. I am trying to follow this, so I can be calm that everything is going well. I also like to set up a regime - to wake up at certain time and create a study routine, which will allow me to feel that most days I DO study as well as monitor how much of my day is dedicated to it.
5. Communicate
I am not 100% sure of the effectiveness of this point and I will explain why. It is good to talk to your course mates, exchange with some useful sources and notes. BUT! I am personally not a big fan of revision together. First of all, everyone has his/her own way of doing things and own pace. Also I don't like asking what other people wrote about in their works as it will make me more worried in case if I forgot something or did everything totally unlike someone else. So yes, communicate in a way that is not harmful to yourself and concentrate on your own work. At the end of the day it is YOU who is sitting on the exam.
5. Treat yourself
It is very important! If you feel that you've done a good job and had a productive day, why not to treat yourself with something that you like - either go for a meal out with friends, or watch latest episode, eat some sweets, anything really. You can't study all the time!
6. Have breaks
Following the last sentence - it is true it is impossible to study all the time, otherwise you will completely hate what you are doing. Have reasonable beaks. For example this blog is my break :)
7. Don't forget to eat!
Very true for me. If I am hungry I am not productive, not in the mood, cannot concentrate! I don't know about you, but food is important! Also dark chocolate is apparently good for brain, but well... milk chocolate is good as well.
8. Find alternative sources of information
If you are tired of textbooks and really can't be bothered to do anything, but still understand that you need to learn something today - look for some other sources of informations. For example Youtube uploads some of the full lectures and I really like RSA: http://www.youtube.com/user/theRSAorg
Another useful source is Ted talks. Even newspapers can be useful, if the articles relate to your topic.
9. Keep positive attitude!
The last, but not least: motivate yourself with positive thoughts. Like : It will be over soon! Summer is coming! A little bit more and I will be proud of myself and so on.
Good luck with your exams everyone!
Thursday, 18 April 2013
Mad Men or let's talk about women
Hey hey! I have recently started to watch Mad Men as I've heard so much about it and I was very curious what it's all about. Now I get what all this hype about. It is truly good!
To be honest I started to watch more because of the outfits, makeup and hairstyles of these pretty ladies, than because of the storyline.
It all happens in New York of 1960s in the one of the biggest advertising agencies in Manhattan. It was very curious for me to see how did they make adverts then (after studying a whole module on modern advertising last semester) in the age when cigarettes and alcohol were totally acceptable products to be advertised. However the plot is not what I am going to talk about. I am going to talk about Women of 60s and why I think that these women depicted there should be taken by us (ladies of 21st century) as an example.
It all happens in New York of 1960s in the one of the biggest advertising agencies in Manhattan. It was very curious for me to see how did they make adverts then (after studying a whole module on modern advertising last semester) in the age when cigarettes and alcohol were totally acceptable products to be advertised. However the plot is not what I am going to talk about. I am going to talk about Women of 60s and why I think that these women depicted there should be taken by us (ladies of 21st century) as an example.

First of all, just look at them. At home or at work they look so neat, stylish and beautiful. I think this is one thing that modern girls are loosing. I am sorry if I am generalising, but for me it is a fact. I am a particular opposition for a modern feminism I think it went too far. It was a huge difference for me when I moved to UK to see how different the relationship between men and women are. I am not intending to insult anyone, so forgive my honest opinion, but I think that women in UK are far too much emancipated. What started as a great idea of equal rights to vote, work and get education on the same basis with men went too far, when women overloaded themselves with way too much things to do.
It would be a lie to say that in 1960s women were only mothers and wives therefore they could spend so much time on themselves and look stunning. I personally think this is because there was different idea about the role of women in men's life. Woman has always been a decoration, subject of admiration and lust. I believe that every women enjoys man's attention and care; these series very precisely depict the relationship between man and woman. Man knows exactly that his wife or girlfriend is worthy all of his efforts at work, to come back home and meet submissive and supportive woman.
I truly believe that behind every successful man is a strong woman. There is nothing wrong with being a 'neck' to a 'head'. I think it is pointless and at times stupid for women to prove all life how clever, strong and powerful you are. As Scarlet asked (in Gone with the wind): Why does a girl have to be so silly to catch a husband?
Well, it it a game of life. Man like to be clever and strong and it is how it SHOULD BE. Who want a weak and silly man next to you? Well, I don't want and thankfully I don't have.
For me it is the main feature that my man has to have: he has to be able to help me, advise me and if needed guide me in a right direction. I don't find anything humiliating at all in coming to my boyfriend with seeking help in opening a jar or in an advise in more serious questions.
Of course I felt a little bit sorry for those ladies in Mad Men as often they are not treated seriously by men and are only seen as sex objects. Wherein, they do not look cheap or easy available. Most of all I love the fact that men always approach ladies first. In my opinion, it is how it should be! No matter what - it is a man who is a hunter, who has to make a first step and to make some efforts in getting a woman. I don't agree with the position that when girl is choosing a guy herself she is free and independent. I am sorry, but it is how i think (one will say old style and conservative - YES!). Also it is depicted there how women used to be financially fully dependent from man. It has changed now, and women can choose any range of jobs, but still man's desire to spend on his woman should be encouraged (And NOT used!), as I guess that man can really feel himself a man when gives his lady a present and gets back desired gratitudes, love and tenderness.
Anyways, I think I've explained and described my point of view and I want to come back to Mad Men ladies. And to finish my blog with something I want to wish to all the girls, ladies, women..
Stay beautiful inside and outside whether you are out

or at home:

Wear nice underwear
And find your real man. Love and be loved:
Saturday, 13 April 2013
Exploring LUSH products - battle with the scents :)
I really wanted to try some of the LUSH products as I have heard loads of positive comments and reviews. Plus I visited their website and some of the products are not expensive at all.
BUT there has always been a massive obstacle that prevented me from going to that shop - SMELL! OMG I just cannot stay in the shop for 2 minutes and the strong scents of their products just give a headache. What is interesting that it is not even that bad, but probably it is just too much of it.
Anyways, too much of an intro. I have put myself together and I decided that it is the time I want to finally try something out of LUSH; plus I have run out of my facial cleanser which i usually use in the shower after I have removed all the make up.
In Leicester LUSH is actually one of those street shops and I was lucky for the good weather so they had their door opened and some wind could come through to ease my fight with those smells. Shop assistants are really nice I have to tell and they look really cool to something like pin-up girls. You can get one of those free skin consultations there. You are just asked some basic questions about your skin type and they find something suitable for you. It is also nice that they test the product on your skin, so you feel it and smell it (ha :D) and then decide.
So I went for this 'Angels on bare skin' fresh facial cleanser and a shampoo.
Anyways, too much of an intro. I have put myself together and I decided that it is the time I want to finally try something out of LUSH; plus I have run out of my facial cleanser which i usually use in the shower after I have removed all the make up.
In Leicester LUSH is actually one of those street shops and I was lucky for the good weather so they had their door opened and some wind could come through to ease my fight with those smells. Shop assistants are really nice I have to tell and they look really cool to something like pin-up girls. You can get one of those free skin consultations there. You are just asked some basic questions about your skin type and they find something suitable for you. It is also nice that they test the product on your skin, so you feel it and smell it (ha :D) and then decide.
So I went for this 'Angels on bare skin' fresh facial cleanser and a shampoo.
Angels on bare skin Facial cleanser 100g £6.25 I love Juicy Shampoo 100g £4.95
Well, so let's start with shampoo. It does has a strong smell, it smells with an alcoholic drink like some kind of a cocktail.. as it has pineapple and other fruits. You actually need just a little bit of it to wash all hair. I have quite long hair and still I didn't use much of the product. It does leave the feeling of very clean hair and what I liked that it is not heavy on the hair as some of shampoos are. I cannot say that it is better than my L'Oreal one, but I like it.
Angels on bare skin facial wash texture
Moving on to facial wash I like it much more. It is very weird type of product (I've never used anything like that before). You have to take a little piece of this paste add a little bit of warm water and rub it between your hand and then apply on your face massaging this (already melted scrub) into your face. It feels really nice like a scrub and it leave skin clean and soft. I was expecting a little bit more of moisturizing effect, but in general I quite like. Not sure if I bought that again, but I will definitely use it up.
What are your favourite LUSH products? What would you recommend?
What are your favourite LUSH products? What would you recommend?
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
A healthy living attempt
So here I am back in Leicester all on my own and all piled up with my books and articles for Dissertation. However, I have to say spring has finally come here and there are even some crocus in Victoria Park and this is the positive thing.
I have decided that it is about the time when I need to think of coming summer and get all my curves shaped :D So, I am attempting a healthy living, which for now includes of healthy eating. I know it is very stressful time for students (And 100 times more stressfull if you are a final year one, who I am..) and there is often no time for a proper meal or hot food, BUT! it is worth giving it a try.
So when I came back and I went to Asda do my food shopping I totally avoided the department of snack and crisps. I do LOVE Doritos and I have a habbit to lie with a pack of them in my bed watching my 90210 or MadMen or Youtube tutorials, funny videos.. or whatever else. I sad NO! (not to all the episodes obvs) but to crisps, jellies and fast food.. at least for a little while.. we'll see how long I can survive. Don't think that I've become one of those crazy people who is counting calories and not eating anything but salads, no way, but just healthy cut down on unnessecary stuff that I can live without. Instead of crisps I have bought loads of fruits,vegetables, cheese and olives - these are the foods I love and all together they can replace Doritos :D . One thing I have left in my food cupboard is of course chocolat. There are number of reasons for that - 1. It is good for your brain (This argument is impossible to omit!) 2. It makes me happy (well, you know.. useless to argue) 3. Chocolat normally does not consist of all these artificial components and unhealthy things that other sweets have. So chocolat is an all time winner (in reasonable amounts of course).
So here is what I am eating. I try to cook for more than one day, so I don't have to do it all the time, but here is one of my day routine eating habbits:
I often see that online:
I can't say that I follow that, but I do try to have a good breakfast, so I don't feel hungry as soon as I get to the library :)
I have decided that it is about the time when I need to think of coming summer and get all my curves shaped :D So, I am attempting a healthy living, which for now includes of healthy eating. I know it is very stressful time for students (And 100 times more stressfull if you are a final year one, who I am..) and there is often no time for a proper meal or hot food, BUT! it is worth giving it a try.
So when I came back and I went to Asda do my food shopping I totally avoided the department of snack and crisps. I do LOVE Doritos and I have a habbit to lie with a pack of them in my bed watching my 90210 or MadMen or Youtube tutorials, funny videos.. or whatever else. I sad NO! (not to all the episodes obvs) but to crisps, jellies and fast food.. at least for a little while.. we'll see how long I can survive. Don't think that I've become one of those crazy people who is counting calories and not eating anything but salads, no way, but just healthy cut down on unnessecary stuff that I can live without. Instead of crisps I have bought loads of fruits,vegetables, cheese and olives - these are the foods I love and all together they can replace Doritos :D . One thing I have left in my food cupboard is of course chocolat. There are number of reasons for that - 1. It is good for your brain (This argument is impossible to omit!) 2. It makes me happy (well, you know.. useless to argue) 3. Chocolat normally does not consist of all these artificial components and unhealthy things that other sweets have. So chocolat is an all time winner (in reasonable amounts of course).
So here is what I am eating. I try to cook for more than one day, so I don't have to do it all the time, but here is one of my day routine eating habbits:
I often see that online:
I can't say that I follow that, but I do try to have a good breakfast, so I don't feel hungry as soon as I get to the library :)
Here it is my breakfast cereal. Well, I need to tell here a story Peter (my boyfriend, so you know, as you will probably meet this name often throughout my blog) introduced me to these, and OMG with this first bowl he gave me I fell in love. It is so crispy as I love (btw I have to eat my cereal as soon as I add milk, as I hate when they become soft.. euuuh ) and it has some real strawberries and note this 'Absolutely nothing artificial'. It really tasty, a bit pricey, but it worth it!
On the top picture the salad I made today: it has some lettuce, fried chicken with some spices, fried onion and mushrooms, some tomatoes and of course olives!! It is quite easy to make, it is healthy and also filling.
Now on the bottom picture is actually the original salad, made by Peter and where I took my ideas from :D 2nd plate is the same concept but instead it has some fried prawns. It is delicious! You can experiment with vegetables and other ingredients
Now on the bottom picture is actually the original salad, made by Peter and where I took my ideas from :D 2nd plate is the same concept but instead it has some fried prawns. It is delicious! You can experiment with vegetables and other ingredients
Finally, some dinner ideas. Again on the left my version, on the right Peter's cooking.
So my version is something what at home we call plov - it is dish with rice, some vegetables, spices and meat. As I don't eat pork I do it with chicken or turkey. My granny also adds some raisins to it. It is quite easy - as I boil rice and separately prepare vegetables and meat then mix it add some spices and sometimes soy sauce and here it is.
Peter's version is more advanced as you could guess from the picture. Again similar idea, but instead of rice some pasta and more ingredients to it. He put some tomatoes, courgette and some blue cheese. And it is very tasty. Again it is simple and leaves some space for your creativity
Yeah also I love teas.. but there will be a separate post on it sometime later.
So my version is something what at home we call plov - it is dish with rice, some vegetables, spices and meat. As I don't eat pork I do it with chicken or turkey. My granny also adds some raisins to it. It is quite easy - as I boil rice and separately prepare vegetables and meat then mix it add some spices and sometimes soy sauce and here it is.
Peter's version is more advanced as you could guess from the picture. Again similar idea, but instead of rice some pasta and more ingredients to it. He put some tomatoes, courgette and some blue cheese. And it is very tasty. Again it is simple and leaves some space for your creativity
Yeah also I love teas.. but there will be a separate post on it sometime later.
Here is my attempt to healthy living - healthy eating.
Next step and my aim - jogging. I will let you know how it goes ;)
Bye bye
Here is my attempt to healthy living - healthy eating.
Next step and my aim - jogging. I will let you know how it goes ;)
Bye bye
Tuesday, 2 April 2013
Making Olivie - Traditional Russian Salad
So here it is the most traditional salad in Russian cuisine, which is present on every celebration, which usually made in enormous amounts. It is the main dish on New Years Celebration, but when I come home I always ask my mum or granny to make with me.
Our recipe is modified and is different from the original one, but still it is Olivie. It is very tasty, but if you are counting calories better stay away from it as it has almost a full jar of mayonnaise..
So lets get started. What will you need:
4-5 big potatoes
3-4 eggs
5-6 small/medium pickled cucumbers
One big boiled sausage (Doktorskaja/Detskaja kolbasa)
Salt and black pepper
In traditional recipe you have to add one can of sweet peas
We add some crab sticks
and of course you need a big bowl
1. Boil potatoes and eggs. You can do this in the evening and just let it cool down for the night and you can start doing the salad next morning.
Useful tip: when boiling eggs (prepare hard boiled ones) straight after taking the pot off the hob and put them under the tap of very cold water, it will peel off easily then.
2. Peel potatoes and dice them into small cubes (I like when the pieces are very small) and put it into the bowl:
3. Dice sausage and add it to the bowl
4. Dice pickled cucumbers (it is better to use the ones that are pickled with salt, not with vinegar)
5. Dice the eggs, and add them as well, try to make all the pieces the same size
6. We also add some crab sticks also dice them into small cubes (in traditional version you can add green peas)
7. Add some mayo, salt and pepper by taste
8. Mix it all well, you can add some greenery like dill and put it all into nice bowl you want it to be served in. And here it is Salad Olivie is ready

Saturday, 30 March 2013
How to rescue a nice dress..
So I found this pretty dress I once bought in ZARA and I thought that this colour is so much like spring and it would be a nice thing to wear when spring finally comes and will be warmer!
So here is this tool called 'lint remover' which will make your clothes look new and unworn again. You can purchase it from Amazon for as less as £5, and it worth the money, as you know some clothes are hard to say goodbye to :)
Here is the result and I am happy to restore my green dress to rock&roll in it when the warmer times finally come! Can't wait :)
But there is one problem with it, which makes some people throw things away or just placing them into categories 'to wear at home'. It has some patches with some knits or naps. So here is one magic thing that can rescue your thing:
So here is this tool called 'lint remover' which will make your clothes look new and unworn again. You can purchase it from Amazon for as less as £5, and it worth the money, as you know some clothes are hard to say goodbye to :)
Here is the result and I am happy to restore my green dress to rock&roll in it when the warmer times finally come! Can't wait :)
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
What's in my mum's skin care cupboard & Review of Dr. Nona Cosmetics
So you know how it is - when you come back home for Holidays, you always get to explore and share in some 'mum and daughter' chats what cosmetics are good and what is worth trying. My mum is not the biggest fan of makeup and skincare, as generally she has very nice skin and just tends to avoid heavy makeup. But anyway, it is never that a woman is completely indifferent to beauty products (at least i don't know any who are..) and if she is, I think she should change an attitude, cause it kind of women's magic tool that can only make already beautiful stunning.. I don't know who, but someone said : 'There are no ugly women, just lazy ones'
But it is getting too long for an intro. I am going to talk about the Israel cosmetics, which I assume are sold all over the world, however I am not too sure whether you can purchase it from a local drugstore or have to go online.

Dynamic Cream 49€ Eye contour cream 57€ Night cream 43€ (I know..)
OH MY God, ladies and gentlemen this stuff is totally amazing! I was always very critical about it, cause my mum is quite obsessed and it is quite of an expensive treat, however now when I've tried it and read the ingredients and researched a little bit about the woman herself I softened up a little bit, and after two nights of using this product I am really happy with the results.
Major thing that really attracts me is that they use all the nutritional combination of the herbs from all over the world and also Dead Sea Salt, which is amazing. Secondly (i know that personal stories are used for the better marketing), the woman herself is quite impressing and is of a role model - she overcame cancer and her medical practices are aimed to help people fight life threatening diseases.
1. Dynamic Cream - as long as I can remember myself, my mum used this thing as a magical healing stuff: you have running nose - put it inside, you have a spot put a bit on, your skin is dry - use it as well. It is of a very rich nature cream, that does not have a particularly pleasant smell (more of something that is supposed to heal you) and it is very multi-purpose as you already know. It can be used as an amazing moisturizer - when I have applied it on my face in the morning you have a bit stretchy feeling (as if you put a mask) and like it really makes your skin work.
2. Eye contour Balm - it is probably the best out of all of them. I can't say that I have some serious dark circles or wrinkles, but occasionally when I am tired my eyes will immediately inform everyone around.. That is actually how I got to try out these cremes as when I came back from England, my mum said that I do look tired and I have some circles. So I used it once, and then more, and I think that she will have to share with this expensive stuff now :D I like that it is very rich and at the same time it does not irritate my quite sensitive skin. The packaging is stunning and it has very convenient pump like that
3. Finally, Night cream - it is good if you have a little bit dry skin or some dry patches. I have normal skin, with some areas particularly dry, and i still used it all over my face. It is important though that you cleanse your face properly before applying it, well actually this works with any night cream. I noticed that in the morning skin does not feel still greasy (as some of those that I've tried), bit just leaves it soft.
There are many more products this company offers, but these three are personal winners! If interested go to http://drnona.us - it US website, but if you Google it you can enter your country one.
I will be talking quite a lot here about skin care based on the Dead Sea Salt, as I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!
Have you ever been to Dead Sea or tried some of the cosmetics that are produced with the ingredients from the Dead Sea?
But it is getting too long for an intro. I am going to talk about the Israel cosmetics, which I assume are sold all over the world, however I am not too sure whether you can purchase it from a local drugstore or have to go online.
Dynamic Cream 49€ Eye contour cream 57€ Night cream 43€ (I know..)
OH MY God, ladies and gentlemen this stuff is totally amazing! I was always very critical about it, cause my mum is quite obsessed and it is quite of an expensive treat, however now when I've tried it and read the ingredients and researched a little bit about the woman herself I softened up a little bit, and after two nights of using this product I am really happy with the results.
Major thing that really attracts me is that they use all the nutritional combination of the herbs from all over the world and also Dead Sea Salt, which is amazing. Secondly (i know that personal stories are used for the better marketing), the woman herself is quite impressing and is of a role model - she overcame cancer and her medical practices are aimed to help people fight life threatening diseases.
1. Dynamic Cream - as long as I can remember myself, my mum used this thing as a magical healing stuff: you have running nose - put it inside, you have a spot put a bit on, your skin is dry - use it as well. It is of a very rich nature cream, that does not have a particularly pleasant smell (more of something that is supposed to heal you) and it is very multi-purpose as you already know. It can be used as an amazing moisturizer - when I have applied it on my face in the morning you have a bit stretchy feeling (as if you put a mask) and like it really makes your skin work.
2. Eye contour Balm - it is probably the best out of all of them. I can't say that I have some serious dark circles or wrinkles, but occasionally when I am tired my eyes will immediately inform everyone around.. That is actually how I got to try out these cremes as when I came back from England, my mum said that I do look tired and I have some circles. So I used it once, and then more, and I think that she will have to share with this expensive stuff now :D I like that it is very rich and at the same time it does not irritate my quite sensitive skin. The packaging is stunning and it has very convenient pump like that
3. Finally, Night cream - it is good if you have a little bit dry skin or some dry patches. I have normal skin, with some areas particularly dry, and i still used it all over my face. It is important though that you cleanse your face properly before applying it, well actually this works with any night cream. I noticed that in the morning skin does not feel still greasy (as some of those that I've tried), bit just leaves it soft.
There are many more products this company offers, but these three are personal winners! If interested go to http://drnona.us - it US website, but if you Google it you can enter your country one.
Have you ever been to Dead Sea or tried some of the cosmetics that are produced with the ingredients from the Dead Sea?
Tuesday, 26 March 2013
Holidays, Home and Passover
As it is the time of Easter Holidays, I went
back home to Tallinn. Surprisingly, it is warmer than in Leicester
(geographical note - Estonia has much colder climate, BUT against stereotypes
it DOES NOT snow all year round :D) and I enjoy the sunshine of spring that is
fighting with this forever-lasting winter. I came back yesterday and just
in time for the Celebration of Passover.
As you see I got to eat some delicious traditional Jewish food as gefilte fish - it such fish (as you could guess) dish, made of mixture of the poached fish.
I have mixed feelings about this celebration. It is quite of a BIG DEAL one as it commemorates the liberation of Jewish people from the ancient Egyptian slavery. I am assuming that this story is quite of a well-know for every one as most of the people are familiar with Moses and 10 plagues of Egypt. The moment when Bruce Almighty splits the soup is an echo of the events when Moses freed his people from the slavery in Egypt by splitting the Red sea. Bad comparison, however quite descriptive.
So here is what I like about this celebrations:
- It is a family Celebration, so everyone gathers together around the table and it always feels great
So here is what I like about this celebrations:
- It is a family Celebration, so everyone gathers together around the table and it always feels great
- It has a special order. This Passover (Pesah) meal is called in Hebrew Pesah Seder and it means order. Therefore there are special steps of the process of meal. This makes you even hungrier and everyone wait till the last step when you can eat everything.
- Food lies on the plate also in a special order,and every product symbolises specific thing - and I love to put it nicely :)
- Me and my mum always sing some traditional songs
However there are some not that pleasant parts of it:
- It lasts for 7 days, and all these days NO BREAD is allowed, to be more precise no wheat or flour. And i Love all the pastries and cookies, and... oh, it makes my belly cry. On the plus side - it is a good and not too strict diet. Why is that? - you will ask, apparently when Jewish people left the Egypt, they had no time to wait for the dough to rise and left with no bread at all, they were eating what now is called Matza - flat unleavened bread.
So now you have some general picture of this celebration. To describe the whole order would take me good few pages, so i guess that this one will just give you an overview.
The very first one..
It is here my first ever post and I am very excited!
I am obviously not claiming to be Armstrong and probably not going to walk the moon, however I do want to talk about the small steps that i do and things that make me happy and motivate to do them.
So a little bit of the background here:
So a little bit of the background here:
I am originally from Tallinn, and I moved to England (Leicester) for University. So I have changed not only the sides of the road, but also had to purchase a pair of wellies, big umbrella and all the English weather accessories :)
Now I am about to finish my University life (as soon as I finish with my masterpiece dissertation and midsummer exam - can't wait) I will be entering a proper adult life!
I am 20 years old and I think it is the age when I can objectively evaluate, recommend, describe and experience. That is why I decided to start a blog to share my thoughts, my interests and traditions, maybe even tell something i know about my culture, religion and lifestyle.
So generally i just want to have fun and experience this blogging experience, so wish me luck and fingers crossed it will go well xx
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