So here it is the most traditional salad in Russian cuisine, which is present on every celebration, which usually made in enormous amounts. It is the main dish on New Years Celebration, but when I come home I always ask my mum or granny to make with me.
Our recipe is modified and is different from the original one, but still it is Olivie. It is very tasty, but if you are counting calories better stay away from it as it has almost a full jar of mayonnaise..
So lets get started. What will you need:
4-5 big potatoes
3-4 eggs
5-6 small/medium pickled cucumbers
One big boiled sausage (Doktorskaja/Detskaja kolbasa)
Salt and black pepper
In traditional recipe you have to add one can of sweet peas
We add some crab sticks
and of course you need a big bowl
1. Boil potatoes and eggs. You can do this in the evening and just let it cool down for the night and you can start doing the salad next morning.
Useful tip: when boiling eggs (prepare hard boiled ones) straight after taking the pot off the hob and put them under the tap of very cold water, it will peel off easily then.
2. Peel potatoes and dice them into small cubes (I like when the pieces are very small) and put it into the bowl:
3. Dice sausage and add it to the bowl
4. Dice pickled cucumbers (it is better to use the ones that are pickled with salt, not with vinegar)
5. Dice the eggs, and add them as well, try to make all the pieces the same size
6. We also add some crab sticks also dice them into small cubes (in traditional version you can add green peas)
7. Add some mayo, salt and pepper by taste
8. Mix it all well, you can add some greenery like dill and put it all into nice bowl you want it to be served in. And here it is Salad Olivie is ready

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