Tuesday, 9 April 2013

A healthy living attempt

So here I am back in Leicester all on my own and all piled up with my books and articles for Dissertation. However, I have to say spring has finally come here and there are even some crocus in Victoria Park and this is the positive thing.
I have decided that it is about the time when I need to think of coming summer and get all my curves shaped :D So, I am attempting a healthy living, which for now includes of healthy eating. I know it is very stressful time for students (And 100 times more stressfull if you are a final year one, who I am..) and there is often no time for a proper meal or hot food, BUT! it is worth giving it a try. 
So when I came back and I went to Asda do my food shopping I totally avoided the department of snack and crisps. I do LOVE Doritos and I have a habbit to lie with a pack of them in my bed watching my 90210 or MadMen or Youtube tutorials, funny videos.. or whatever else. I sad NO! (not to all the episodes obvs) but to crisps, jellies and fast food.. at least for a little while.. we'll see how long I can survive. Don't think that I've become one of those crazy people who is counting calories and not eating anything but salads, no way, but just healthy cut down on unnessecary stuff that I can live without. Instead of crisps I have bought loads of fruits,vegetables, cheese and olives - these are the foods I love and all together they can replace Doritos :D . One thing I have left in my food cupboard is of course chocolat. There are number of reasons for that - 1. It is good for your brain (This argument is impossible to omit!) 2. It makes me happy (well, you know.. useless to argue) 3. Chocolat normally does not consist of all these artificial components and unhealthy things that other sweets have. So chocolat is an all time winner (in reasonable amounts of course).

So here is what I am eating. I try to cook for more than one day, so I don't have to do it all the time, but here is one of my day routine eating habbits:

I often see that online:

I can't say that I follow that, but I do try to have a good breakfast, so I don't feel hungry as soon as I get to the library :)
Here it is my breakfast cereal. Well, I need to tell here a story Peter (my boyfriend, so you know, as you will probably meet this name often throughout my blog) introduced me to these, and OMG with this first bowl he gave me I fell in love. It is so crispy as I love (btw I have to eat my cereal as soon as I add milk, as I hate when they become soft.. euuuh ) and it has some real strawberries and note this 'Absolutely nothing artificial'. It really tasty, a bit pricey, but it worth it! 

Here are some options for lunch:

On the top picture the salad I made today: it has some lettuce, fried chicken with some spices, fried onion and mushrooms, some tomatoes and of course olives!! It is quite easy to make, it is healthy and also filling.
Now on the bottom picture is actually the original salad, made by Peter and where I took my ideas from :D 2nd plate is the same concept but instead it has some fried prawns. It is delicious! You can experiment with vegetables and other ingredients
Finally, some dinner ideas. Again on the left my version, on the right Peter's cooking.
So my version is something what at home we call plov - it is dish with rice, some vegetables, spices and meat. As I don't eat pork I do it with chicken or turkey. My granny also adds some raisins to it. It is quite easy - as I boil rice and separately prepare vegetables and meat then mix it add some spices and sometimes soy sauce and here it is.
Peter's version is more advanced as you could guess from the picture. Again similar idea, but instead of rice some pasta and more ingredients to it. He put some tomatoes, courgette and some blue cheese.  And it is very tasty. Again it is simple and leaves some space for your creativity

Yeah also I love teas.. but there will be a separate post on it sometime later.


Here is my attempt to healthy living - healthy eating.
Next step and my aim - jogging. I will let you know how it goes ;)

Bye bye 

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