Hey hey! I have recently started to watch Mad Men as I've heard so much about it and I was very curious what it's all about. Now I get what all this hype about. It is truly good!
To be honest I started to watch more because of the outfits, makeup and hairstyles of these pretty ladies, than because of the storyline.
It all happens in New York of 1960s in the one of the biggest advertising agencies in Manhattan. It was very curious for me to see how did they make adverts then (after studying a whole module on modern advertising last semester) in the age when cigarettes and alcohol were totally acceptable products to be advertised. However the plot is not what I am going to talk about. I am going to talk about Women of 60s and why I think that these women depicted there should be taken by us (ladies of 21st century) as an example.
It all happens in New York of 1960s in the one of the biggest advertising agencies in Manhattan. It was very curious for me to see how did they make adverts then (after studying a whole module on modern advertising last semester) in the age when cigarettes and alcohol were totally acceptable products to be advertised. However the plot is not what I am going to talk about. I am going to talk about Women of 60s and why I think that these women depicted there should be taken by us (ladies of 21st century) as an example.

First of all, just look at them. At home or at work they look so neat, stylish and beautiful. I think this is one thing that modern girls are loosing. I am sorry if I am generalising, but for me it is a fact. I am a particular opposition for a modern feminism I think it went too far. It was a huge difference for me when I moved to UK to see how different the relationship between men and women are. I am not intending to insult anyone, so forgive my honest opinion, but I think that women in UK are far too much emancipated. What started as a great idea of equal rights to vote, work and get education on the same basis with men went too far, when women overloaded themselves with way too much things to do.
It would be a lie to say that in 1960s women were only mothers and wives therefore they could spend so much time on themselves and look stunning. I personally think this is because there was different idea about the role of women in men's life. Woman has always been a decoration, subject of admiration and lust. I believe that every women enjoys man's attention and care; these series very precisely depict the relationship between man and woman. Man knows exactly that his wife or girlfriend is worthy all of his efforts at work, to come back home and meet submissive and supportive woman.
I truly believe that behind every successful man is a strong woman. There is nothing wrong with being a 'neck' to a 'head'. I think it is pointless and at times stupid for women to prove all life how clever, strong and powerful you are. As Scarlet asked (in Gone with the wind): Why does a girl have to be so silly to catch a husband?
Well, it it a game of life. Man like to be clever and strong and it is how it SHOULD BE. Who want a weak and silly man next to you? Well, I don't want and thankfully I don't have.
For me it is the main feature that my man has to have: he has to be able to help me, advise me and if needed guide me in a right direction. I don't find anything humiliating at all in coming to my boyfriend with seeking help in opening a jar or in an advise in more serious questions.
Of course I felt a little bit sorry for those ladies in Mad Men as often they are not treated seriously by men and are only seen as sex objects. Wherein, they do not look cheap or easy available. Most of all I love the fact that men always approach ladies first. In my opinion, it is how it should be! No matter what - it is a man who is a hunter, who has to make a first step and to make some efforts in getting a woman. I don't agree with the position that when girl is choosing a guy herself she is free and independent. I am sorry, but it is how i think (one will say old style and conservative - YES!). Also it is depicted there how women used to be financially fully dependent from man. It has changed now, and women can choose any range of jobs, but still man's desire to spend on his woman should be encouraged (And NOT used!), as I guess that man can really feel himself a man when gives his lady a present and gets back desired gratitudes, love and tenderness.
Anyways, I think I've explained and described my point of view and I want to come back to Mad Men ladies. And to finish my blog with something I want to wish to all the girls, ladies, women..
Stay beautiful inside and outside whether you are out

or at home:

Wear nice underwear
And find your real man. Love and be loved: